Zelpha Indie Comic Books

"Luanga has written a truly original comic with Paper Rock Scissors n’ Stuff Wars. This story involves characters that we are all familiar with, but puts them in an entirely new context as Luanga gives each not only its own voice but also entire kingdoms! These childhood actors in the hand game take on lives of their own as they spy on potential enemies and plot strategies to protect their ways of life. The addition of Hugh Rookwood's art brings a new and polished look to this very original story! Hugh's bold lines, subtle details, and dynamic compositions combine to add a fresh and entertaining look to this weirdly fun comic!" Warren Elliot - Almost Normal Comics Blog


Paper Rock Scissors N' Stuff Wars and The Adventures of Little Petalianne might be our main comic book titles, but by no means does the Zelpha creative journey end there! Zelpha Comics offers a whole variety of unique and engaging comic book titles. Here you will discover our selection of horror and fantasy comics.