Dalf-Lo: A Cereal Worth Killing For! #1 (Horror Comic Picture Book)

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Think back to when you were a kid. Think back to the days in the 70s/80s/90s when your TV was filled with Saturday morning cartoons. You sat there watching animated shows temporarily interrupted by commercials of toys and fun stuff. Many of those commercials included cartoon mascots promoting yummy sugary breakfast cereals. The type of cereals you were probably eating at the time.

From funky colored roosters and manic white rabbits, to giant great tigers, little cap'n's and really fast leprechauns, breakfast cereal mascots always had a fun purity to them. They were designed to be cute, colorful, entertaining and part of something magical. As kids, we wanted to hang out with them or chase them for just one bowl of that incredible cereal. There was just something inherently good about breakfast cereal mascots.

Well, that goodness and purity is no more!

It is time for something new and horrifying! It is time to bring the breakfast cereal mascot into the realm of horror and the macabre! 

Welcome to Dalf-Lo: A Cereal Worth Killing For!

Dalf-Lo is a new type of horror monster who is extremely intelligent, and he is always multiple steps ahead of his victims. A sentient breakfast cereal mascot obsessed with collecting children for his fantasy food world. A creature who hates adults and he takes pride in seeing parents get devoured by their children. 

‘Dalf-Lo: A Cereal Worth Killing For!’ does something new in the horror genre. The story is narrated from Dalf-Lo’s perspective – not his victims. Readers get to understand the monster’s motivations and experiences.

We would like you to experience the world of Dalf-Lo. The first issue of Dalf-Lo: A Cereal Worth Killing For! is available on Amazon.com and all Amazon affiliated websites. You can click the picture of link below to experience this new horror journey for yourself. You'll never look at cereal mascots the same way again!

AMAZON LINK: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B09QLC9JW6/

Dalf-Lo: A Cereal Worth Killing For! Cover

Would you like to read the first issue in FULL COLOR for FREE!!!!+!
Click here, or the cover below, to download limited edition color editions for FREE

Dalf-Lo: A Cereal Worth Killing For! Color Edition

Comic cover by Marvin Law / Inner artwork by Christina Deljanov